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Acne do’s and don’ts

Acne do’s and don’ts

acne treatment

The humiliation, embarrassment, frustration, and even pain of acne is undeniable. This is a condition that too many people suffer from, and when it’s really bad, it can adversely affect your life in a really big way. For one thing, it messes with your self-confidence. You most likely try to cover it with clothing, hair, and make-up. But you still know it’s there. And does it sometimes feel like the pimples are what other people are focused on when they look at you? It’s a horrible feeling.

For another thing, it hurts. There is a lot of pressure and irritation under your skin, and you just want it gone already! Well, that’s what this article is designed to help you accomplish. There are some really simple measures you can take that could very well start you on the right track to living an acne-free life. We will discuss the the things you shouldn’t do, as well as the things you should do to get this problem under control once and for all. So let’s begin…

You Shouldn’t Consume Junk Food and Drinks

I can hear you now. “Tell me something I don’t already know.” But that’s not the point. Already knowing something and actually applying that knowledge are two different things. And the fact of the matter is, foods high in chemical additives, preservatives, refined sugars, trans fats, and all that other crap that we all “know” is bad for us is, without a doubt, responsible for the bulk of your acne problem.

Foods and drinks you MUST avoid if you’re going to get rid of your acne and enjoy smooth, healthy, attractive-looking skin are sodas, (too much) coffee, fast food, microwave meals, chips, candy, alcohol, nicotine, and anything else that isn’t an actual food in its natural state. Which brings us to what you should be eating…

You Should Consume All-Natural, Whole Foods and Drinks

Make the shift to whole foods and you change your whole life. Curing your acne will only be the tip of the iceberg, but we won’t get into all the other powerful benefits. When you eat natural, your body returns to its natural, acne-free state, plain and simple. You know the drill. Fresh, raw, and preferably organic fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, seeds and nuts, purified water, and whole grains such as old-fashioned oats and brown rice. But again, knowing and doing are two different things.

There are other shoulds and should-nots that are worth mentioning, but the two we just discussed are easily the most important. But here are a few more just to make sure that you maximize your results.

You shouldn’t:

* Use chemical detergents for your laundry or soap for your skin
* Be complacent, staying still, not exercising, and letting life pass you by
* Allow yourself to become dehydrated

Taking care of your body means taking care of your skin. When your body gets into balance and you give it what it needs to function optimally, it will be virtually impossible for acne to exist on your face, neck, back, or anywhere else that has been a problem area for you! Here is one more series of shoulds and shouldn’ts for you.

You should not:

* Just read this article without taking immediate action.

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