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Facial cleansing for acne suffers that actually works

Facial cleansing for acne suffers that actually works

acne cleansing

There is no shortage of acne creams, pills, lotions, pads, liquids, scrubs, and soaps on the market. In fact, we’re pretty much bombarded with them. But did you know that many of these can actually make our condition worse? The problem is, they dry out the skin. And dehydrated skin is a known cause of breakouts. The treatment may dry out the pimple and make it disappear for the time being, but the condition of your skin is going to be perfect for future breakouts.

So what’s the solution? Well, it starts with lifestyle. A healthy diet, exercise routine, and plenty of purified water are a great start, and if you attended to these 3 things on a daily basis and at a high level, your acne would most likely be a thing of the past. But what about cleansers and products? Here are 4 important things for you to keep in mind:

1. Go as natural and gentle as possible. Contrary to what most of us have been sold, scrubbing our skin until it’s red and using industrial-strength chemicals is not really in tune with what our bodies actually need. Added fragrances can cause irritation, and your skin will react accordingly, often times breaking out. A homemade cleanser that may help with acne is 1 tbsp. raw honey, 2 tbsp. natural oatmeal, and 1 cup milk. Simply turn this mixture into a paste, apply to your skin, let set for 5 minutes, and rinse off with luke warm water.

2. Choose healthy, natural oil to break free from acne. What, really? It’s a counter-intuitive measure, I know, but just as eating fat doesn’t make you fat, applying oil to your skin doesn’t make you break out. Of course, as with the diet comparison, it has to be the right kind of fat, and the right kind of oil. Natural oils such as vitamin E and coconut oil feed the skin, keep it hydrated, and fight inflammation. Your skin will thank you by looking and feeling great. Simply apply a layer of oil to your skin right after cleansing. You should notice real results within just a few weeks.

3. Avoid alcohol, including most astringents. Alcohol dehydrates the skin badly. With no hydration, your skin has nothing to wash away the dirt and unclog your pores. You can see how this is a problem, right? There is a homemade alternative to alcohol-based astringents that just might work wonders for you. Ready? This is so simple. All you need to do is take pineapple slices and cucumber slices (approx. equal parts), run them through your blender (or juicer) until liquified, and apply the juice with a cotton ball. That’s it, and it’s amazing!

4. Go easy with the makeup, and go natural when possible. There are plenty of natural choices available today, and these look really, really good. When you cake your face with heavy, chemical makeups, your pores get clogged and your skin gets irritated. I don’t need to tell you that this will lead to a breakout faster than just about anything. Go natural when you can. Obviously, this is not such an important issue when it comes to your eyes and lips.

Try these suggestions out. Their effectiveness may really surprise you. In addition, do your best to adopt a healthier, more natural diet and an exercise routine that you can really enjoy and stick to.

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