Tag Archive | "acne"

Get Your Hormones Under Control to Clear Acne

Get Your Hormones Under Control to Clear Acne

acne hormones

Acne is widely known as a hormonal problem. Our hormones get out of balance and a chain reaction is set in place. This chain reaction ultimately manifests itself as breakouts, and until we are able to get our hormones under control, we simply cannot expect the acne to disappear. The obvious question at this point is “How the heck can we control our hormones?” Stay with me, we’re about to answer that.

First, it is important to understand how our hormones become imbalanced to begin with. Quite simply, for most of us this occurs through our overconsumption of meat and dairy products. Why? Well, when we eat animal products, we’re essentially taking that animal’s hormones into our body. As a result, our body becomes confused and overwhelmed by hormones. This leads to a whole host of health problems, but for our purposes here, it leads to significant amounts of acne.

Fortunately, it is pretty easy for today’s human to consume fewer animal products. There are healthy, all-natural meat alternatives, as well as dairy alternatives. These are a bit more expensive than the “real thing,” but they can potentially save you a lot of money in doctor’s visits and medicated creams. It may be worth trying out for a little while to see if your acne clears up.

Stress leads to breakouts, pure and simple. The more we stress, the more out-of-whack our hormones become. Managing our stress levels is essential to leading an overall healthier, longer life. People with less stress tend to age more slowly, too. Thankfully, there are some very real ways to reduce our stress, the most powerful of which are exercise and meditation.

When we get in a nice workout, our endorphins become active and we start feeling really good. Through inactivity, lactic acid builds up in our joints and muscles, which cause us to become stiff, tight, and physiologically stressed out. Exercise frees these trapped acids and allows us to feel vibrant, alive, and refreshed. Similarly, meditation can have a similar effect on the mind. We get too many recurring thoughts trapped in our brains, which start to overwhelm and stress us out psychologically. Meditation allows us to set these thoughts free and get back to our true selves.

We touched on the meat and dairy topic a bit, but what about the rest of your diet? Ideally, everyone would be eating fresh, raw, organic produce and drinking purified water exclusively. Raw veggies, fruits, herbs, sprouts, whole grains, cold-pressed oils, seeds, and nuts should make up the majority of our diet. The closer we can get to consuming only these things, the better. But at a bare minimum, you want to reduce your sugar and salt intake, avoid fast food and prepackaged meals, and reduce or even eliminate any consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and soda.

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Effective Acne Home Remedies

Effective Acne Home Remedies

acne home remedy

Nature comes to the rescue once again. It is nothing short of astounding how many ills can actually be treated at home by just utilizing the power of natural remedies. If you suffer from a skin condition such as acne, you are in no way excluded from nature’s healing touch. Specifically, treatments containing salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and alpha hydroxyl acids can zap zits like nobody’s business, and are most often even more effective than their synthetic counterparts.

In fairness, an acne treatment like benzoyl peroxide is generally faster to get you the results you’re after, but this may come at a price. Many over-the-counter and even prescription astringents, lotions, and creams work wonders in the short term, only to fail miserably as time goes on. Why? Well, for starters, they dehydrate the skin, which allows dirt to accumulate and clog pores at will. They can also cause irritation, which can lead to further breakouts

A natural remedy like a 5 percent tea tree oil lotion, on the other hand, may take a little longer to “kick in” and get your acne problem under control, but once it does, your skin will be soft, healthy, radiant, and most importantly, protected from future breakouts. This, of course, is only true as long as you continue to take good care of your skin after the acne has subsided.

Here Are 7 Great Natural Remedies for You to Consider:

1. Garlic – Simply rub the cloves on the affected area 3-4 times daily.
2. Oatmeal – Use a mask for 15 minutes a day. Great if mixed with raw honey.
3. Avocado – Make a paste with avocado and water. Use as a face wash. Keeps the skin hydrated.
4. Lemon juice and rose water – Spritz on face and rub in. Leave for half an hour and rinse.
5. Apple cider vinegar – Boil water, add vinegar, let cool, soak towel in mixture, apply towel to face.
6. Diet – Radishes, rosemary tea, dark berries, green tea, and other powerful antioxidants.
7. Cucumber and pineapple – Combine these 2 ingredients (equal parts) in a blender or juicer. Once liquified, apply to the affected area.

There are others, but these are 7 for you to start with. Keep the ones that work for you and discard any that don’t. There really is no “one size fits all” acne treatment, especially when it comes to natural remedies. The most important of these suggestions is #6, your diet. Of course, this is the one that is the most difficult to accomplish because it requires a lifestyle change.

Limiting your intake of animal products and processed foods is key. Favoring fresh, raw, and preferably organic veggies, fruits, sprouts, seeds, nuts, and herbs can positively impact your health in many ways. Clear, radiant skin is one of these ways.

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Facial cleansing for acne suffers that actually works

Facial cleansing for acne suffers that actually works

acne cleansing

There is no shortage of acne creams, pills, lotions, pads, liquids, scrubs, and soaps on the market. In fact, we’re pretty much bombarded with them. But did you know that many of these can actually make our condition worse? The problem is, they dry out the skin. And dehydrated skin is a known cause of breakouts. The treatment may dry out the pimple and make it disappear for the time being, but the condition of your skin is going to be perfect for future breakouts.

So what’s the solution? Well, it starts with lifestyle. A healthy diet, exercise routine, and plenty of purified water are a great start, and if you attended to these 3 things on a daily basis and at a high level, your acne would most likely be a thing of the past. But what about cleansers and products? Here are 4 important things for you to keep in mind:

1. Go as natural and gentle as possible. Contrary to what most of us have been sold, scrubbing our skin until it’s red and using industrial-strength chemicals is not really in tune with what our bodies actually need. Added fragrances can cause irritation, and your skin will react accordingly, often times breaking out. A homemade cleanser that may help with acne is 1 tbsp. raw honey, 2 tbsp. natural oatmeal, and 1 cup milk. Simply turn this mixture into a paste, apply to your skin, let set for 5 minutes, and rinse off with luke warm water.

2. Choose healthy, natural oil to break free from acne. What, really? It’s a counter-intuitive measure, I know, but just as eating fat doesn’t make you fat, applying oil to your skin doesn’t make you break out. Of course, as with the diet comparison, it has to be the right kind of fat, and the right kind of oil. Natural oils such as vitamin E and coconut oil feed the skin, keep it hydrated, and fight inflammation. Your skin will thank you by looking and feeling great. Simply apply a layer of oil to your skin right after cleansing. You should notice real results within just a few weeks.

3. Avoid alcohol, including most astringents. Alcohol dehydrates the skin badly. With no hydration, your skin has nothing to wash away the dirt and unclog your pores. You can see how this is a problem, right? There is a homemade alternative to alcohol-based astringents that just might work wonders for you. Ready? This is so simple. All you need to do is take pineapple slices and cucumber slices (approx. equal parts), run them through your blender (or juicer) until liquified, and apply the juice with a cotton ball. That’s it, and it’s amazing!

4. Go easy with the makeup, and go natural when possible. There are plenty of natural choices available today, and these look really, really good. When you cake your face with heavy, chemical makeups, your pores get clogged and your skin gets irritated. I don’t need to tell you that this will lead to a breakout faster than just about anything. Go natural when you can. Obviously, this is not such an important issue when it comes to your eyes and lips.

Try these suggestions out. Their effectiveness may really surprise you. In addition, do your best to adopt a healthier, more natural diet and an exercise routine that you can really enjoy and stick to.

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Exercise: Daily Exercise for Clear Skin

Exercise: Daily Exercise for Clear Skin

exercise for clear skin

It goes without saying that we can all benefit in a variety of ways by engaging in a bit of daily exercise. It helps keep our hearts strong, our muscles tone, our weight down, and our spirits up. But did you know that by getting plenty of quality exercise, we are also able to enjoy clean, clear, radiant skin?

The following is a list of 3 ways that exercise helps us maintain great skin:

1. It removes harmful toxins from our bodies. One of the greatest ways to get rid of harmful, skin-damaging toxins from the body is through respiration. When we breathe heavily, our lymphatic system circulates and we draw toxic gasses out of our vital organs and fat cells. We then exhale these toxins out of our bodies and begin to free ourselves from them. And you’ll never guess the other primary way that exercise helps us remove toxins. It’s through our sweat glands! This is a double whammy for those pimple-causing toxins.

2. Exercise promotes healthy blood flow. Our blood is the river of life that keeps all things our bodies need being delivered in a timely fashion. It also grabs all the things we don’t need, which are generally really bad for us, and takes them where they need to go to be properly eliminated. The more efficiently this occurs, the less likely it is that toxic residues will end up being “trapped” in all the wrong places. Through proper exercise, the heart makes sure that the blood does its job as efficiently as possible.

3. It helps to reduce stress. One of the most significant contributors to bad skin and breakouts is a group of stress hormones that just throw your whole physiology out of whack. Not allowing these stress hormones to grow out of control is essential for maintaining healthy, blemish-free skin. Sufficient exercise keeps these hormones in check.

As you can see, exercise helps us to enjoy far healthier skin in a number of ways. Primarily, it helps our bodies eliminate acne-causing toxins by activating our respiratory, circulatory, and lymphatic systems. It keeps our blood oxygenated and it directly helps us unclog our pours by way of our sweat glands. Aside from a pure, clean diet, nothing will work to eliminate skin problems and prevent them from recurring quite like exercise will.

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Baby Acne: How to Treat Baby Acne

Baby Acne: How to Treat Baby Acne

baby acne

When most people think of acne, they immediately think of an oily-faced, hormonally imbalanced teenager. Of course, there is good reason for this and that is quite simply that this is the age when acne is most prominent. There is absolutely no denying this fact. However, this is not to suggest that acne is exclusively a teen problem. Many adults are stricken with pimples all throughout their lives, and guess what… so are babies.

On babies, acne generally manifests itself as tiny red bumps on the chin, cheeks, and forehead. This usually occurs within the first few months of the baby’s life, and is made worse by heat, direct sunlight, and stress (and babies are actually stressed a lot!). Occasionally, little white bumps will manifest, as well. This condition is known as milia.

The main cause of baby acne is a change in the hormonal levels that takes place during the pregnancy. This skin problem is known to affect boys, rather than girls. Despite being defined as a hormonal change, baby acne must not be confused with hormonal problems. Baby acne is generally caused by hormonal changes that occur during the pregnancy. The condition almost always occurs in boys, and very rarely with girls.

While there is very little, if anything that can be done to prevent baby acne from happening, there are a few treatment options you can consider. Of course, these are very limited and often you will just need to wait it out. Bathe your child normally, paying particular attention to the face. You definitely want to resist any urges to scrub or squeeze the acne. The baby’s skin is far too delicate at this point, and this can cause an infection.

Keep your baby as clean as possible and dry the skin thoroughly. This is a situation that will take some patience to get through, although if it happens to persist for more than 3 months, it may be a good idea to take your baby in to see a podiatrist, who may recommend further treatment options. And in more severe cases where the problem worsens or does not seem to improve at all, you should see your family physician for a potentially more aggressive solution.

Since this is not a very serious skin problem, it is better to wait for it to go away on its own rather than to use topical or oral drugs that are meant for teenagers and adults who suffer from acne. Some parents decide to use home remedies for baby acne, such as a solution based on vinegar. In addition, there are many creams that are based on this vinegar solution.

Thankfully, this is not usually a serious condition, though it may be aggravating to your baby from time to time. As such, you would be wise to stay away from chemically-laden topical solutions, since your baby’s skin is so delicate. Give it time, and it is almost certain to clear up on its own.

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Detox and Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Detox and Beautiful, Healthy Skin

body detox

Detoxification is the term that describes your body ridding itself of toxic buildup and harmful poisons. When it comes to ridding yourself of acne by way of body detoxification, the concept is very simple. A body full of poison and pollution is going to do everything it possibly can to rid itself of these toxins as quickly as possible. One of the fastest ways to achieve this is through the skin. Is this starting to come together a little bit for you?

Of course, a whole host of positive physical and psychological transformations can occur when you free yourself from harmful toxins. But for our purposes here, we will just focus a detox diet’s ability to give you cleaner, healthier looking skin in less time than you may realize. In fact, by adhering to the following suggestions, you may start to see changes occur within a few short weeks, if not days!

Acne Fighting Detox Diet – 6 Ways to Zap Your Pimples From the Inside:

1. Reduce or eliminate your intake of alcoholic beverages. There are several reasons for this, the most profound of which is the effect that alcohol has on the liver. The liver is perhaps the body’s most significant means of filtering poisons out of the blood. Alcohol overwhelms the liver, not allowing it to function properly, which means that toxins just keep building up, which causes breakouts, not to mention a whole host of other potentially life-threatening health problems.

2. Reduce or eliminate your intake of caffeine. Energy drinks, caffeine pills, sodas, tea, and of course, coffee are all known to dehydrate the skin, which almost always results in some form of acne. In addition, caffeine irritates the body, causing the hormones to go out of whack and leading to further bouts of acne.

3. Follow a structured, proven cleansing program. This can mean that you simply take a good colon cleansing product according to package directions. But it can also mean that you really go for it and go on a liquid fast. There are a number of cleansing fasts to choose from. You can just drink filtered water, or fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices (made in a juicer), or try a green drink (wheatgrass) cleanse. The most popular cleanse is the Master Cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet. You may want to look into it.

4. Reduce your sugar intake. This is just as true for artificial sweeteners as it is for “real” sugar. This stuff lowers the amount of collagen in your skin, causing it to sag and age. Additionally, it spikes your insulin levels which is absolutely terrible for your skin and will cause acne breakouts just as quickly as anything else.

5. Keep yourself hydrated. Water is life. Drinking lots of purified water throughout the day will help to balance your hormones, hydrate your skin, and properly flush toxins through your body. In addition, it also helps keep the liver clean and functioning properly. Do not overlook the power of water. At least 80% of your daily liquid intake should be in the form of fresh, pure, clean water.

6. Engage in regular exercise. This is not to suggest that you need to pump iron until your veins are bulging out of your neck or do wind sprints until you’re seeing stars and can’t breathe. But you’ve got to move. One of the greatest ways to keep the lymph system clean, energy levels high, and the skin totally flawless is to increase our oxygen intake. Light exercise is all you need to make this happen. Dancing, jogging, swimming, shooting hoops, or even jumping up and down on a trampoline can make a tremendous impact on the quality of your health, including your skin.

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Acne Diets? This Diet Really Works

Acne Diets? This Diet Really Works

acne diet

Acne can affect a person’s life more profoundly than a lot of people realize. It can be embarrassing, painful, and even cause a person to become depressed and isolated. Those who suffer from serious acne have likely tried virtually every cream, pill, and pad on the market. And others can’t really afford to go through a trial and error process. This can be frustrating to say the least.

But here is what most people don’t really realize, or at least they don’t give it the serious consideration it deserves: Acne is not a skin problem. Acne is a health problem. This distinction makes all the difference. Trying to treat acne symptoms with astringents and medicated creams is like trying to bring a wilting, dying flower back to life by spray painting it! All the flower needs is some water and maybe better quality soil. All you need to treat your acne is a better quality diet and lifestyle.

The following is a list of some lifestyle changes you can make immediately to get your acne under control:

1. Go as organic as possible. Go as natural as possible. The mainstream world of food processing and manufacturing does not have your best interests in mind. Most of the foods we buy on the shelves, in the frozen food sections, and at fast food restaurants are pumped full of chemicals that our bodies simply aren’t equipped to deal with. As a result, our bodies try pushing all these toxins and foreign invaders out as fast as possible… through the breath, the elimination systems, and yes… the SKIN!

Eating natural foods like fresh, organic vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds, nuts, herbs, and sprouts will clean up the toxins in your body, undoing the damage that’s been done and preventing new damage from occurring. And take in lots of antioxidants. The best source of antioxidants is berries. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and grapes, especially when organic, can work absolute miracles on your skin.

2. Consume lots of yogurt with live, active cultures. We’re talking about the real stuff here, not the sugary kids stuff. The goal here is to clean out the digestive system so that your body is free to repair itself. Did you know that digestion requires more of the body’s energy than any other function? Free up some of that energy and your body becomes a self-healing, self-repairing machine!

3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water eliminates toxic build-up. It keeps the blood cells moving and not sticking together. Purified water keeps your body working efficiently, so that it can heal your skin naturally.

4. Steer clear of too many animal products. Generally speaking, excess meat and dairy clog you up and throw your hormones out of whack. In fact, they dump a whole bunch of hormones into your body that aren’t even yours… they were the animal’s! As if that’s not disturbing enough, these “foods” are full of trans fats that absolutely overwhelm the system. They also create an acidic environment in the blood stream, leading to a whole host of health problems, acne being one.

Ideally, the only kind of animal product you would be consuming is fresh fish, although egg whites do have some important health benefits. Try natural substitutes for meat and dairy. And if you’re craving something with substance, but don’t want to eat meat or a meat substitute, one of the healthiest and most satisfying foods you can put in your body is the magnificent avocado!

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Acne and Food: Good Foods and Food to Avoid

Acne and Food: Good Foods and Food to Avoid

acne diet

Does food really affect acne? Many people tend to believe it does, and the truth is, they’re right. However, it usually isn’t for the same reasons that people think it is. For example, foods high in fat will not single-handedly put zits on your face. Foods high in TRANS fat, on the other hand, very well may. On the flip side of the equation, there are actually a number of foods which can actually reduce acne breakouts and potentially even eliminate them! We will discuss a few of these foods throughout the course of this article.

Understanding which foods lead to acne and which foods help to eliminate and prevent acne is the name of the game here. And there are real, common-sense answers that can help you along. For instance, did you know that most animal products can acidify your blood, pump you full of trans fats, and give you pimples? But fresh cold-water fish, full of essential fatty acids and healthy omegas can actually relax and soothe your skin from the inside out, making zits less likely to occur!

And what about the whole chocolate causing acne thing? Is this real science, or just an urban legend? Well, a direct correlation between chocolate and pimples has not been scientifically proven, although consuming large quantities of refined sugar and processing chemicals can create an acidic environment in your blood, which as mentioned above, can wreak havoc on your skin.

Foods rich in zinc and vitamin A have been known to fix acne problems for many individuals. Foods with the highest zinc content include oysters, toasted wheat germ, sesame seeds, and peanuts. You can find plenty of vitamin A in Cayenne pepper, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, and dark leafy greens. Want something sweet? Try dried apricots and cantaloupe, both of which are quite rich in vitamin A.

To combat acne-causing acids and hormones, antioxidants are an essential weapon and you should consume them liberally. Drinking green tea throughout the day is very wise for a number of health reasons, and certainly to enjoy nicer, clearer looking skin. Other powerful antioxidants you may wish to consider include wheat grass juice, dark berries (7 of the top 10 antioxidants in the world are berries!), raisins and red grapes, prunes and plums, and oranges.

Though not an entirely substantiated claim, it may be worth mentioning that iodine has been blamed for acne breakouts more than once. Foods high in iodized salt, especially potato chips, have been highly vilified for this reason. Whether there is a direct correlation between chips and zits or not, it is obvious to most of us that chips are far from being the healthiest food on the block, and it may be worth cutting back on them anyway, just to see what happens!

The list of foods you should absolutely avoid if you are ever going to clear up your skin is a long one, indeed. Essentially, any food that produces excess acidity in your body is a great food to walk away from. Foods high in yeast, chemical additives, preservatives, and trans fats should be considered public enemy number one. Alcohol and drugs, including nicotine and caffeine, are looked at as poisons by your body. And when your body thinks it’s being poisoned, it does everything it can to remove these toxins as quickly as possible… and one of the ways it does this is by forcing toxins out through the skin!

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Acne do’s and don’ts

Acne do’s and don’ts

acne treatment

The humiliation, embarrassment, frustration, and even pain of acne is undeniable. This is a condition that too many people suffer from, and when it’s really bad, it can adversely affect your life in a really big way. For one thing, it messes with your self-confidence. You most likely try to cover it with clothing, hair, and make-up. But you still know it’s there. And does it sometimes feel like the pimples are what other people are focused on when they look at you? It’s a horrible feeling.

For another thing, it hurts. There is a lot of pressure and irritation under your skin, and you just want it gone already! Well, that’s what this article is designed to help you accomplish. There are some really simple measures you can take that could very well start you on the right track to living an acne-free life. We will discuss the the things you shouldn’t do, as well as the things you should do to get this problem under control once and for all. So let’s begin…

You Shouldn’t Consume Junk Food and Drinks

I can hear you now. “Tell me something I don’t already know.” But that’s not the point. Already knowing something and actually applying that knowledge are two different things. And the fact of the matter is, foods high in chemical additives, preservatives, refined sugars, trans fats, and all that other crap that we all “know” is bad for us is, without a doubt, responsible for the bulk of your acne problem.

Foods and drinks you MUST avoid if you’re going to get rid of your acne and enjoy smooth, healthy, attractive-looking skin are sodas, (too much) coffee, fast food, microwave meals, chips, candy, alcohol, nicotine, and anything else that isn’t an actual food in its natural state. Which brings us to what you should be eating…

You Should Consume All-Natural, Whole Foods and Drinks

Make the shift to whole foods and you change your whole life. Curing your acne will only be the tip of the iceberg, but we won’t get into all the other powerful benefits. When you eat natural, your body returns to its natural, acne-free state, plain and simple. You know the drill. Fresh, raw, and preferably organic fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, seeds and nuts, purified water, and whole grains such as old-fashioned oats and brown rice. But again, knowing and doing are two different things.

There are other shoulds and should-nots that are worth mentioning, but the two we just discussed are easily the most important. But here are a few more just to make sure that you maximize your results.

You shouldn’t:

* Use chemical detergents for your laundry or soap for your skin
* Be complacent, staying still, not exercising, and letting life pass you by
* Allow yourself to become dehydrated

Taking care of your body means taking care of your skin. When your body gets into balance and you give it what it needs to function optimally, it will be virtually impossible for acne to exist on your face, neck, back, or anywhere else that has been a problem area for you! Here is one more series of shoulds and shouldn’ts for you.

You should not:

* Just read this article without taking immediate action.

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