Categorized | Acne Treatment

Effective Acne Home Remedies

acne home remedy

Nature comes to the rescue once again. It is nothing short of astounding how many ills can actually be treated at home by just utilizing the power of natural remedies. If you suffer from a skin condition such as acne, you are in no way excluded from nature’s healing touch. Specifically, treatments containing salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and alpha hydroxyl acids can zap zits like nobody’s business, and are most often even more effective than their synthetic counterparts.

In fairness, an acne treatment like benzoyl peroxide is generally faster to get you the results you’re after, but this may come at a price. Many over-the-counter and even prescription astringents, lotions, and creams work wonders in the short term, only to fail miserably as time goes on. Why? Well, for starters, they dehydrate the skin, which allows dirt to accumulate and clog pores at will. They can also cause irritation, which can lead to further breakouts

A natural remedy like a 5 percent tea tree oil lotion, on the other hand, may take a little longer to “kick in” and get your acne problem under control, but once it does, your skin will be soft, healthy, radiant, and most importantly, protected from future breakouts. This, of course, is only true as long as you continue to take good care of your skin after the acne has subsided.

Here Are 7 Great Natural Remedies for You to Consider:

1. Garlic – Simply rub the cloves on the affected area 3-4 times daily.
2. Oatmeal – Use a mask for 15 minutes a day. Great if mixed with raw honey.
3. Avocado – Make a paste with avocado and water. Use as a face wash. Keeps the skin hydrated.
4. Lemon juice and rose water – Spritz on face and rub in. Leave for half an hour and rinse.
5. Apple cider vinegar – Boil water, add vinegar, let cool, soak towel in mixture, apply towel to face.
6. Diet – Radishes, rosemary tea, dark berries, green tea, and other powerful antioxidants.
7. Cucumber and pineapple – Combine these 2 ingredients (equal parts) in a blender or juicer. Once liquified, apply to the affected area.

There are others, but these are 7 for you to start with. Keep the ones that work for you and discard any that don’t. There really is no “one size fits all” acne treatment, especially when it comes to natural remedies. The most important of these suggestions is #6, your diet. Of course, this is the one that is the most difficult to accomplish because it requires a lifestyle change.

Limiting your intake of animal products and processed foods is key. Favoring fresh, raw, and preferably organic veggies, fruits, sprouts, seeds, nuts, and herbs can positively impact your health in many ways. Clear, radiant skin is one of these ways.

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