Detox and Beautiful, Healthy Skin

body detox

Detoxification is the term that describes your body ridding itself of toxic buildup and harmful poisons. When it comes to ridding yourself of acne by way of body detoxification, the concept is very simple. A body full of poison and pollution is going to do everything it possibly can to rid itself of these toxins as quickly as possible. One of the fastest ways to achieve this is through the skin. Is this starting to come together a little bit for you?

Of course, a whole host of positive physical and psychological transformations can occur when you free yourself from harmful toxins. But for our purposes here, we will just focus a detox diet’s ability to give you cleaner, healthier looking skin in less time than you may realize. In fact, by adhering to the following suggestions, you may start to see changes occur within a few short weeks, if not days!

Acne Fighting Detox Diet – 6 Ways to Zap Your Pimples From the Inside:

1. Reduce or eliminate your intake of alcoholic beverages. There are several reasons for this, the most profound of which is the effect that alcohol has on the liver. The liver is perhaps the body’s most significant means of filtering poisons out of the blood. Alcohol overwhelms the liver, not allowing it to function properly, which means that toxins just keep building up, which causes breakouts, not to mention a whole host of other potentially life-threatening health problems.

2. Reduce or eliminate your intake of caffeine. Energy drinks, caffeine pills, sodas, tea, and of course, coffee are all known to dehydrate the skin, which almost always results in some form of acne. In addition, caffeine irritates the body, causing the hormones to go out of whack and leading to further bouts of acne.

3. Follow a structured, proven cleansing program. This can mean that you simply take a good colon cleansing product according to package directions. But it can also mean that you really go for it and go on a liquid fast. There are a number of cleansing fasts to choose from. You can just drink filtered water, or fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices (made in a juicer), or try a green drink (wheatgrass) cleanse. The most popular cleanse is the Master Cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet. You may want to look into it.

4. Reduce your sugar intake. This is just as true for artificial sweeteners as it is for “real” sugar. This stuff lowers the amount of collagen in your skin, causing it to sag and age. Additionally, it spikes your insulin levels which is absolutely terrible for your skin and will cause acne breakouts just as quickly as anything else.

5. Keep yourself hydrated. Water is life. Drinking lots of purified water throughout the day will help to balance your hormones, hydrate your skin, and properly flush toxins through your body. In addition, it also helps keep the liver clean and functioning properly. Do not overlook the power of water. At least 80% of your daily liquid intake should be in the form of fresh, pure, clean water.

6. Engage in regular exercise. This is not to suggest that you need to pump iron until your veins are bulging out of your neck or do wind sprints until you’re seeing stars and can’t breathe. But you’ve got to move. One of the greatest ways to keep the lymph system clean, energy levels high, and the skin totally flawless is to increase our oxygen intake. Light exercise is all you need to make this happen. Dancing, jogging, swimming, shooting hoops, or even jumping up and down on a trampoline can make a tremendous impact on the quality of your health, including your skin.

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