Archive | June, 2011

What Causes Acne?

What Causes Acne?

Acne can be embarrassing, unsightly, and sometimes even just plain painful. Luckily, finding a treatment option that can free you from acne breakouts once and for all may be as simple as just understanding what actually causes acne, and then just reverse-engineering the whole thing. So let’s get right to it! Here are the 3 […]

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How to Get Rid of Old Acne Scars

How to Get Rid of Old Acne Scars

It isn’t breaking news that acne scars can be rather unsightly and embarrassing. They are generally caused by severe acne that may or may not still be plaguing you. The bottom line is, living with acne scars is not fun, and if anything could be done about it, most people would jump on the opportunity […]

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Get Your Hormones Under Control to Clear Acne

Get Your Hormones Under Control to Clear Acne

Acne is widely known as a hormonal problem. Our hormones get out of balance and a chain reaction is set in place. This chain reaction ultimately manifests itself as breakouts, and until we are able to get our hormones under control, we simply cannot expect the acne to disappear. The obvious question at this point […]

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Effective Acne Home Remedies

Effective Acne Home Remedies

Nature comes to the rescue once again. It is nothing short of astounding how many ills can actually be treated at home by just utilizing the power of natural remedies. If you suffer from a skin condition such as acne, you are in no way excluded from nature’s healing touch. Specifically, treatments containing salicylic acid, […]

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Facial cleansing for acne suffers that actually works

Facial cleansing for acne suffers that actually works

There is no shortage of acne creams, pills, lotions, pads, liquids, scrubs, and soaps on the market. In fact, we’re pretty much bombarded with them. But did you know that many of these can actually make our condition worse? The problem is, they dry out the skin. And dehydrated skin is a known cause of […]

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Exercise: Daily Exercise for Clear Skin

Exercise: Daily Exercise for Clear Skin

It goes without saying that we can all benefit in a variety of ways by engaging in a bit of daily exercise. It helps keep our hearts strong, our muscles tone, our weight down, and our spirits up. But did you know that by getting plenty of quality exercise, we are also able to enjoy […]

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Baby Acne: How to Treat Baby Acne

Baby Acne: How to Treat Baby Acne

When most people think of acne, they immediately think of an oily-faced, hormonally imbalanced teenager. Of course, there is good reason for this and that is quite simply that this is the age when acne is most prominent. There is absolutely no denying this fact. However, this is not to suggest that acne is exclusively […]

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Detox and Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Detox and Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Detoxification is the term that describes your body ridding itself of toxic buildup and harmful poisons. When it comes to ridding yourself of acne by way of body detoxification, the concept is very simple. A body full of poison and pollution is going to do everything it possibly can to rid itself of these toxins […]

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Acne Diets? This Diet Really Works

Acne Diets? This Diet Really Works

Acne can affect a person’s life more profoundly than a lot of people realize. It can be embarrassing, painful, and even cause a person to become depressed and isolated. Those who suffer from serious acne have likely tried virtually every cream, pill, and pad on the market. And others can’t really afford to go through […]

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Adult Acne: How to Cure Adult Acne

Adult Acne: How to Cure Adult Acne

Weren’t we told acne was just a teenage problem? I was. And then you get into your early 20’s and beyond when it hits you. Acne does not discriminate. This is one of life’s cruel little jokes to toy with our self confidence, isn’t it? The truth is, the hormonal imbalances that cause acne can […]

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